locco.lua |
Locco is a Lua port of Docco, the quick-and-dirty, hundred-line-long, literate-programming-style documentation generator. It produces HTML that displays your comments alongside your code. Comments are passed through Markdown, and code is syntax highlighted. This page is the result of running Locco against its own source file:
For its syntax highlighting Locco relies on the help of David Manura's Lua Balanced to split up the code. As a markdown engine it ships with Niklas Frykholm's markdown.lua in the Lua 5.2 compatible version from Patrick Gundlach. Otherwise there are no external dependencies. The generated HTML documentation for the given source files is saved
into a
Locco is monolingual, but there are many projects written in
and with support for other languages, see the
Docco page for a list. |
Setup & Helpers |
Add script path to package path to find submodules. |
local script_path = arg[0]:match('(.+)/.+')
package.path = table.concat({
}, ';')
Load markdown.lua. |
local md = require 'markdown'
Load Lua Balanced. |
local lb = require 'luabalanced'
Load HTML templates. |
local template = require 'template'
Ensure the |
local function ensure_directory(source)
local path = source:match('(.+)/.+$')
if not path then path = '.' end
os.execute('mkdir -p '..path..'/docs')
return path
Insert HTML entities in a string. |
local function escape(s)
s = s:gsub('&', '&')
s = s:gsub('<', '<')
s = s:gsub('>', '>')
s = s:gsub('%%', '%')
return s
local function replace_percent(s) s = s:gsub('%', '%%') return s end |
Define the Lua keywords, built-in functions and operators that should be highlighted. |
local keywords = { 'break', 'do', 'else', 'elseif', 'end', 'false', 'for',
'function', 'if', 'in', 'local', 'nil', 'repeat', 'return',
'then', 'true', 'until', 'while' }
local functions = { 'assert', 'collectgarbage', 'dofile', 'error', 'getfenv',
'getmetatable', 'ipairs', 'load', 'loadfile', 'loadstring',
'module', 'next', 'pairs', 'pcall', 'print', 'rawequal',
'rawget', 'rawset', 'require', 'setfenv', 'setmetatable',
'tonumber', 'tostring', 'type', 'unpack', 'xpcall' }
local operators = { 'and', 'not', 'or' }
Wrap an item from a list of Lua keywords in a span template or return the
unchanged item. |
local function wrap_in_span(item, item_list, span_class)
for i=1, #item_list do
if item_list[i] == item then
item = '<span class="'..span_class..'">'..item..'</span>'
return item
Quick and dirty source code highlighting. A chunk of code is split into
comments (at the end of a line), strings and code using the
Lua Balanced
module. The code is then split again and matched against lists
of Lua keywords, functions or operators. All Lua items are wrapped into
a span having one of the classes defined in the Locco style sheet. |
local function highlight_lua(code)
local out = lb.gsub(code,
function(u, s)
local sout
if u == 'c' then -- Comments.
sout = '<span class="c">'..escape(s)..'</span>'
elseif u == 's' then -- Strings.
sout = '<span class="s">'..escape(s)..'</span>'
elseif u == 'e' then -- Code.
s = escape(s)
First highlight function names. |
s = s:gsub('function ([%w_:%.]+)', 'function <span class="nf">%1</span>')
There might be a non-keyword at the beginning of the snippet. |
sout = s:match('^(%A+)') or ''
Iterate through Lua items and try to wrap operators, keywords and built-in functions in span elements. If nothing was highlighted go to the next category. |
for item, sep in s:gmatch('([%a_]+)(%A+)') do
local span, n = wrap_in_span(item, operators, 'o')
if span == item then
span, n = wrap_in_span(item, keywords, 'k')
if span == item then
span, n = wrap_in_span(item, functions, 'nt')
sout = sout..span..sep
return sout
out = '<div class="highlight"><pre>'..out..'</pre></div>'
return out
Main Documentation Generation Functions |
Given a string of source code, parse out each comment and the code that follows it, and create an individual section for it. Sections take the form:
Parameter: |
local function parse(source)
local sections = {}
local has_code = false
local docs_text, code_text = '', ''
for line in io.lines(source) do
if line:match('^%s*%-%-') then
if has_code then
code_text = code_text:gsub('\n\n$', '\n') -- remove empty trailing line
sections[#sections + 1] = { ['docs_text'] = docs_text,
['code_text'] = code_text }
has_code = false
docs_text, code_text = '', ''
docs_text = docs_text..line:gsub('%s*(%-%-%s?)', '', 1)..'\n'
if not line:match('^#!') then -- ignore #!/usr/bin/lua
has_code = true
code_text = code_text..line..'\n'
sections[#sections + 1] = { ['docs_text'] = docs_text,
['code_text'] = code_text }
return sections
Loop through a table of split sections and convert the documentation
from Markdown to HTML and pass the code through Locco's syntax
highlighting. Add docs_html and code_html elements to the sections
table. |
local function highlight(sections)
for i=1, #sections do
sections[i]['docs_html'] = md.markdown(sections[i]['docs_text'])
sections[i]['code_html'] = highlight_lua(sections[i]['code_text'])
return sections
After the highlighting is done, the template is filled with the documentation
and code snippets and an HTML file is written. |
local function generate_html(source, path, filename, sections, jump_to)
local f, err = io.open(path..'/'..'docs/'..filename:gsub('lua$', 'html'), 'wb')
if err then print(err) end
local h = template.header:gsub('%%title%%', source)
h = h:gsub('%%jump%%', jump_to)
for i=1, #sections do
local t = template.table_entry:gsub('%%index%%', i..'')
t = t:gsub('%%docs_html%%', sections[i]['docs_html'])
t = t:gsub('%%code_html%%', sections[i]['code_html'])
Generate the documentation for a source file by reading it in,
splitting it up into comment/code sections, highlighting and merging
them into an HTML template. |
local function generate_documentation(source, path, filename, jump_to)
local sections = parse(source)
local sections = highlight(sections)
generate_html(source, path, filename, sections, jump_to)
Run the script. |
Generate HTML links to other files in the documentation. |
local jump_to = ''
if #arg > 1 then
jump_to = template.jump_start
for i=1, #arg do
local link = arg[i]:gsub('lua$', 'html')
link = link:match('.+/(.+)$') or link
local t = template.jump:gsub('%%jump_html%%', link)
t = t:gsub('%%jump_lua%%', arg[i])
jump_to = jump_to..t
jump_to = jump_to..template.jump_end
Make sure the output directory exists, generate the HTML files for each source file, print what's happening and write the style sheet. |
local path = ensure_directory(arg[1])
for i=1, #arg do
local filename = arg[i]:match('.+/(.+)$') or arg[i]
generate_documentation(arg[i], path, filename, jump_to)
print(arg[i]..' --> '..path..'/docs/'..filename:gsub('lua$', 'html'))
local f, err = io.open(path..'/'..'docs/locco.css', 'wb')
if err then print(err) end