init.lua |
Some functions, key commands and modifications that change
default behaviour.
It contains modifications to Mitchell's Textadept modules, code from
Brian Schott and others who posted to the mailing list or the
Textadept wiki.
Otherwise it is written and maintained by
Robert Gieseke. InstallationDownload a
version and save the contained directory as
in your |
local keys = keys
local M = {}
M.bracematching = require 'common.bracematching'
M.display_filename = require 'common.display_filename'
M.enclose = require 'common.enclose'
M.filename = require 'common.filename'
if not CURSES then require 'common.highlight' end
M.lastbuffer = require 'common.lastbuffer'
M.multiedit = require 'common.multiedit'
M.project = require 'common.project'
require 'common.save_strips_ws'
Key commands |
Snapopen. |
keys[OSX and 'mU' or 'aU'] = { io.snapopen, _HOME, { '.+%.luadoc',
folders = { 'images', 'doc', 'manual', '%.hg', '%.git' } } }
keys[OSX and 'mu' or 'au'] = { io.snapopen, _USERHOME,
{ folders = { '%.hg', '%.git' } } }
keys[OSX and 'mp' or 'ap'] = function ()
local root = _M.common.project.root()
io.snapopen(root, { 'pyc$'})
Insert a filename: |
keys[OSX and 'cmO' or 'caO'] = M.filename.insert_filename
Save and reset Lua state: |
keys['f9'] = function()
Go to the matching brace: | = M.bracematching.match_brace
Add another cursor position: |
keys.cM = M.multiedit.add_position
keys[OSX and 'cmM' or 'caM'] = M.multiedit.select_all
Switch to last buffer: |
keys.c2 = M.lastbuffer.last_buffer
Enclose selection or insert chars: |
keys["'"] = { M.enclose.enclose_selection, "'", "'" }
keys['"'] = { M.enclose.enclose_selection, '"', '"' }
keys['('] = { M.enclose.enclose_selection, '(', ')' }
keys['['] = { M.enclose.enclose_selection, '[', ']' }
keys['{'] = { M.enclose.enclose_selection, '{', '}' }
Enclose selection and keep selection or insert single char
if nothing is selected: |
keys[OSX and "cm'" or "ca'"] = { M.enclose.paste_or_grow_enclose, "'", "'" }
keys[OSX and 'cm"' or 'ca"'] = { M.enclose.paste_or_grow_enclose, '"', '"' }
keys[OSX and 'cm(' or 'ca('] = { M.enclose.paste_or_grow_enclose, '(', ')' }
keys[OSX and 'cm[' or 'ca['] = { M.enclose.paste_or_grow_enclose, '[', ']' }
keys[OSX and 'cm{' or 'ca{'] = { M.enclose.paste_or_grow_enclose, '{', '}' }
return M